Completely Free Dating

Only A Glance ( is a completely free dating site.  Glance at and connect with other singles in your area for free.   There are no upgrades or premium memberships.  Everything only a glance can do to help with your dating it does for everyone.

Nothing to buy has no paid memberships so all features are available without having to pay for them.  We believe it is unfair, though we understand that sites are for profit. addresses free dating by having a few ads on the site.

Quickly create a free dating account

Quickly create a free dating account on without having to enter credit card information.  We don’t accept your card and don’t want it.  The profile page of onlyaglance is surprisingly small – there’s very little information you need to enter.  We expect that you will share more information with the people you connect with, not with strangers.

Frustrated? Yeah, me too. Check out The Status Game - the sequel to the book that explains how we connect and that all relationships are based on one thing.

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